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Scripts to support Atmel SAM3 chips
When I was testing the final release package of EBlink 4.8 with your script commits, the cortex-m0 Atmel were not discovered anymore so I reverted to the original discovery code for cortex-m0.

It's always hard to make this trustable working but if it works it is so easy to just right click your elf or hex files in explorer and just flash it without any concerns about cli settings etc. Especially if you are working with multiple MCU vendors in one project like I'm doing currently. Due to MCU shortages this is more often the case nowadays.

Messages In This Thread
Scripts to support Atmel SAM3 chips - by jdubois - 20-04-2023, 04:18 PM
RE: Scripts to support Atmel SAM3 chips - by embitz - 25-04-2023, 10:21 AM

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