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Use EBlink with ST-LINK2 on Atmel SAM3X8E CPU
Perhaps it is easier to make a single device script first. You don't have to worry about memory detection etc

E.g. call you script sam3.script and start EBlink as:

Eblink -S sam3 -G (for gdb).

- The script must contain a 'main' function.
- The script must provide EB with a valid xml memory map
- The post reset function setting pc and sp (or do it in the GDB settings of the IDE)

The most tricky part are Flash routines. The chip erase function can be skipped for later. If it is not there EB will use sector by sector erase instead of chip erase.

Generic flashing procedure:

- unlock flash
- sector erase function either by address or sector number.
- sector write function.
- locking the flash.

I will receive a board in a couple of days so I can help you if necessary.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Use EBlink with ST-LINK2 on Atmel SAM3X8E CPU - by embitz - 06-11-2022, 03:56 PM

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