
Full Version: STlinkGDB: unknown core id problem
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I am using HK32F103VET6 mcu on my board, and when i try to debug my project with STLinkGDB i get the error below:

STLINK GDB Server (EmBitz Dec  8 2016 12:12:38)
Shutdown after disconnect is active.
Connect under reset is active.

Connected to STlink/V2 probe at 001:007
Chip ID is 00000414, Core ID is  2ba01477.
Target voltage: 3.43
Number of HW-breakpoints: 6
Listening at *:4242...
GDB connected.
Reset: system
GDB Program Transfer:
2021-11-29T13:49:32 WARN E:\_stlink\stlink-master\src\stlink-common.c: unknown coreid 2ba01477, page erase failed
2021-11-29T13:49:32 ERROR E:\_stlink\stlink-master\src\stlink-common.c: Failed to erase_flash_page(0x8000000) == -1
Reset: system
Write memory: address 0xE000ED08 (Data = 0x8000000)

How can i fix this error ? Any advise ?
Upgrade your tools to latest EmBitz and EBlink.