
Full Version: Where is Linker setting "Use EB monitor ..."
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My project with EBmonitor for 1.11 does not compile in 2.0.

When I open the "Linker settings", I noticed, that the "Use EB monitor ..." disappears.

What am I doing wrong?

(04-11-2021, 12:07 PM)embitz Wrote: [ -> ]That's no longer there.



Hi, EmBitz,

I found the ebmon.h and ebmon.c, included in my project and
compiled successively.
I use the STM32G061C8T6 with the STLINK-V3MINI.

My code fragment:
// cli_init();  /* from 1.11 */
printf("Circle Starts!\r\n");
fflush(stdout); // don't wait for EOL, send prompt now

In the EB monitor window I see:

The EB monitor variables are not found.

Check if:
- You have added the EB monitor source files to your target.
  Menu: Debug->Plugins->EB monitor.

- Enable debug information at the compiler settings.
- Have a debugger probe with live variables capabilities.

Please, can you provide a brief instruction, how to use the new EB monitor
for not professional system programmer users like me.

Sure but I would repeat myself, it is all in this thread

Just start reading from the begin.
(04-11-2021, 01:39 PM)embitz Wrote: [ -> ]Sure but I would repeat myself, it is all in this thread

Just start reading from the begin.

My problem with EBmonitor is solved!
The reason was that somewhere in my code was, inherited from an old project,
definition of function:
// Retarget function
int _write_r(struct _reent *r, int file, char * ptr, int len)
    r = r;
    file = file;

    HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t *)ptr, (uint16_t)len, 1000);

    return len;

I commented it and now EBmonitor runs.

Maybe this information will be useful.
