
Full Version: Latest EBlink
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The latest version are on Github

Embitz on Github

  • - Renesas M33 flashing included
  • - Added sector attribute "gdb_nc". With this sector attribute, GDB will read from chip rather than cache. Used e.g. with Renesas data flash (EEProm emulation) so that any data flash
  • modifications are visible in the IDE. The RV40 flash script will skip dataflash (EEprom) erase on chip erase. This is to retain config data between chip erase cycles. 
  • If a full chip erase is needed then comment the lines in the rv40 script at the erase function (see code)

  •  - Bugfix GDB input handler. EBlink crashes if the size of the input was exact equal to the initial allocated input buffer.
  •  - Bugfix progress always on top

  •  - Linux nullptr bug solved (strdup with null pointer doesn't return a null pointer)
  •  - Windows progress bar added
  •  - Flash script function per sector added as additional XML option